Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. I just love staring in plays and you say that you've wrote many! Maybe we can get together and work on making a new one sometime! I play an instument as well! I'm one of the best opera singers of our time...You have probably heard of me!

  2. Of course I have heard many great things about you, Faustina. Perhaps we can meet sometime.

  3. Well Pierre, suprisingly I was born into a not as blessed family (poor) as well. Also when I was a child I to learned to play a small variety of insterments. Also sometimes my work was not liked. In one way was how I was first rejected from the British Royal Academy for my works. The same thing with you and The Marriage of Figaro with how it was originally rejected. Pierre you seem to me to be an amazing writer, can't wait to talk with you again.
